Saturday, September 22, 2007


Osaka Prefectural Gym, Osaka
22 September, 2007
(6022 crowd)

Grudge Match - a confrontation between the French and Japanese love machines, Rene Bonaparte and Wataru Sakata. Can Sakata pulverise the Frenchman and put an end to his provocative remarks about Sakata's new bride, Eiko Koike ? Lets go ringside and find out.....

ゴングが鳴ると、いきなり腕立て伏せを始めてパンプアップ、筋肉美を誇示するレネ。さらに「靴紐が解けた」とレフェリーにアピールしたかと思えば、今度は坂田のボディチェックをしろと要求、なかなか試合が始まらない。レネの心理作戦だ。 焦れた坂田がチョップを見舞うとレネは場外へ転落、ところが薔薇の花束を手にするとリングサイドの女性ファンにプレゼントし、カメラへ向かってウィンクするという余裕を見せる。 坂田が「何やってんだ、てめぇ!」と場外へ追うと、レネはようやく攻撃開始。坂田はバックドロップ、フライングニールキックで逆襲するも、続くジャーマンは急所蹴りで防がれる。レネはエルボーからフォールに入るがカウント2。レネはお返しのバックドロップ、無駄に筋肉を誇示してからのエルボードロップを見舞うが、坂田からフォールを奪うことは出来ない。 レネはフレンチステップからフィストドロップ、トップロープに飛び乗るとダイビングエルボー! が、坂田は間一髪かわす! レネに怒りの鉄拳を叩き込み、ロープに飛ばしてのフロントスープレックスでカウント2。ボディスラム、首掻っ切りポーズからフットスタンプを見舞うが今度は坂田がかわされる! しかし、レネが飛び掛ってくるところへ坂田がトラースキックのカウンター! これもカウント2! レネはゴールデンチェアを引っ張り出すも、坂田がニールキックで椅子ごと吹っ飛ばす! そして奪い取ったゴールデンチェアでレネに一撃だ! さぁ、フォールかと思いきや、なんとレフェリーがゴングを要請! 坂田の反則負けを宣した。なんてことだ! フラフラとなったレネだが、「コイケ、ダンナ、バカ! ヨワイ、ヨワイ!」と知っている日本語の限りを尽くして坂田を罵倒する。怒りが収まらない坂田は「おい、フランス野郎! 真っ向勝負で来い! くだらねぇ日本語ばかり覚えやがって。俺は小池でも旦那でもねぇ! 俺はハッスルで天下を取る男、坂田亘だ!」と吐き捨てた。

"Koike's master" aka Wataru Sakata is introduced. Then, as the elegant looking Rene Bonaparte makes his way to the ring, the young French ladykiller stops to kiss a girl in the audience.

The bell sounds for the start of the match, but it seems Rene is busy posing and showing off his muscles and beauty to the fans. The pose down is followed by a quick set of push-ups in the centre of the ring. After that, there's a further delay as Rene has to tie "a shoelace that came loose" and insists on the referee doing another body check on Sakata. It's psychological warfare by Rene on an impatient Sakata who wants the match underway.  

When the men finally lock up, Sakata delivers a rapid series of chops to the Frenchman who immediately ducks under the ropes to the outside, presenting a bouquet of roses to a lady at ringside and giving a big wink to the camera.

Grabbing Sakata's foot from outside the ring, Bonaparte bodyslams Sakata to the arena floor and goes for an elbow drop from the apron.

Back in the ring, Sakata takes the offence with a back drop and heel kick. Bonaparte escapes and goes for a kick to Sakata's groin and head.

He wastes time showing off his muscles again, then goes for an elbow drop and gets a 2 count.

Sakata rallies and delivers a series of offensive chops. Bonaparte avoids Sakata's kick and slams the MMA fighter to the mat, following up with the French Tickler ......

....before heading to the top rope and the diving elbow.

Sakata evades the diving elbow by a hair's breadth, following up with a fist to the face of the hansdsome youngster, a front supplex, and a big foot stomp from the top rope in a futile effort to finish the match.

At this point Airman Basic Shimada intervenes, throwing the golden chair to Bonaparte. As Bonaparte goes to smack Sakata with the chair, Sakata rams the chair into Rene's face with a heel kick for the reversal.

Sakata grabs the chair and again hits Bonaparte who drops to the mat bleeding. The referee signals for the bell and Sakata is disqualified. The match is awarded to the Frenchman Rene Bonaparte (victory in 7 minute 45 seconds by DQ).

Sakata takes the mike and tells Bonaparte the feud isn't settled. The Frenchman cannot insult Wataru Sakata and get away with it. He is 'Koike's Master' and he'll get another chance to prove it to the world. He spits on the ground and throws away the mike. There is clearly much more of this feud to come.